Light Channel Vicki Wallace

Helping creators & visionaries…

Awaken inner mastery, move through blocks and limitations with greater awareness, and create a wholesome life with passion, and purpose.


Hi I’m Vicki

I’m so happy you’re here!

As a Multidimensional light channel, quantum healer, and intuitive guide, I help you find perspective and grounding to reset your life.

With divine guidance, we encourage you to slow down and bring it all back to basics, body, mind, and light.

Teaching you how to tune in with your body for healing, and witness yourself with love.

Refocus the frequency of your thoughts, and emotions to release long-term default patterns that may be holding you back, and create new energetic connections for change to occur.

Realign goals in business, your personal life, and spiritual development with defined step-by-step strategies that work for you!

In my private sessions, we bring it all back to the basics! Read more about our sessions here!

No need to wait for life circumstances to be different, you have all and everything within you already and we’re here to help you understand this with love and light!

Round Table Group Sessions

Join us for a guided meditation and energy attunement session with personalized Q&A group time every Wednesday at 10 am NZT.


Learn how to Supercharge Your Life With the energy of the Universe!

In our session, we will cover the following topics;

  • Body awareness and grounding techniques

  • Calling in and clearing your energetic field

  • Energy attunement for clarity and direction